A nice lazy day, cloud covered, slight sprinkles, warm enough to sit on the dock in my swim suit wet from a dip in the lake, but cool enough to lay in the hammock in yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt.
Reading in a hammock is a pass time that I can not believe I haven't picked up sooner! Why can't every book be as griping as the the Hunger Games, not thinking for a moment I would even enjoy it a little, but WOW did I surprise myself. Savoring it like the perfect bit of dessert, I can't put it down, but I fear to pick it back up because the end gets closer and closer, and then what will I read? Being on the island of Ometepe on Laguna Nicaragua is more than relaxing, the two volcanos constantly have clouds coming off of them, the sunsets are gorgeous, it's island life, without the saltyness the ocean brings.
Setting out around 1:30, the clouds begin to part and the wind is constant, but if I stay close to the shore it isn't as strong against me. Going past locals washing their clothes, and their bodies in the lake. Weaving in and out of trees whos roots show above the water level, palms, mango trees, and birds. I get to the mouth of the ... river and head in, lined with green floating plants, white birds walk on top and dance around trying to catch insects. Black birds with yellow beaks wonder and fly, a blue hearing, another type of white bird, the a flock of... GREEN! WOW, it's a flock of parats flying over head... cool! (I grin). I'm alone on this kayaking journey, stopping when I want, which is often, to taken a photo of a branch, a tree, a bird, without having to say 'I'm' stopping'. This alone traveling has it's pros and cons.
I find my way back into the river and am going under a tree, when BAM, right in front of me is a snack! I think I talked to myself saying, OK, OK, OK, then of course, I got my camera out and took a photo. What is it, is it poisonous?! Is it a Boa? I have no idea what kind of snacks live here.
I feel satisfied with my time in the river and head back to start my trip back to the hostel. The sun is dipping lower and the color is so pretty on the trees and people out by the waters edge. People in hand dug out boats fishing, or families finishing up laundry while someone throughs the fishing net out.
More parates fly over and flocks of other birds I don't recognize, a Mango tree with little bity mangos makes me wish it was the right season, and reminds me of Chad. I am out on the kayak while the sun is going down, just me, in my swim suite, while all the colors of the sky change. It's getting dark now as I pull up to the shore where lightening bugs are there to greet me.
I show my photo of the snake to one of the locals, and it's confirmed, a boa!
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