Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Portland - Seattle - Taipei - Bangkok

Friday, February 2, 2007

Portland - Seattle - Taipei - Bangkok

Flying Portland to Seattle I made friends with a young women named Sweet from India who just finished her four year undergrad degree in 2.5 years!!
Once in Seattle we had a 4.5 hour layover but the time passed as we made friends with another traveler named David setting off on a 10 month volunteer job with disabaled children in Vietnam. He was there over 30 years ago during the war and hasn’t returned until now. The man I sat next to on the plane is returning to see his wife in Indonesia. Another man going to East Timor, who already speaks around 8ish (probably ten because he seemed modest) languages! A women, Marylin, flying to see one of her twin sons who is an exchange student for a full year in Thailand while the other 16 year old is in Austria!
Everyone and there story, all traveling together, enduring turbulence (not bad), personal television screens in front of every chair with enough movies, tv shows, music, to last the whole 14 hour journey from Seattle to Taipei.
“Good Luck” “See you later” the exchange of emails has already taken place. Looking out for one another, picking up where another is lost or unsure. Providing guidance, when our families and loved ones are so far away. It’s as though we all took the same oath and are abiding by it. The travelers oath.

I have one leg left in my flight before arriving in Bangkok, Ideas are swimming through my head as I think of the possibilities. I hope to find some peace and contentment while in Asia. Maybe a cooking class, endulging in some massage, see some temples, take photos, hopefully climb, maybe SCUBA dive, I want to keep up a journal and communications with my friends and family!
As of now, when I arrive in Bangkok I am planning on finding my friend Nathan’s aunt’s apartment for a night or two.
peace and good times

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